Earthquakes data stories |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst |
Timeline: | 08/2019 – 05/2020 |
Personal & CV presentation site |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Timeline: | 01/2019 – 05/2020 |
Employers’ jobs |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Application Architect
- Analyst Programmer
- Database Designer |
Timeline: | 05/2017 – 08/2018 |
Amazon AWS Mail |
Responsibilities: | - Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer |
Timeline: | 06/2020 – 12/2020 |
Expo companies info |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer
- Database Designer |
Timeline: | 01/2021 – 06/2021 |
Search face |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer |
Timeline: | 03/2022 – 08/2022 |
From Unstructured to Structured Data |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer |
Timeline: | 05/2023 – 04/2024 |
Replay Events |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer |
Timeline: | 05/2020 – 04/2024 |
Website activity notifier |
Responsibilities: | - Cloud Solutions Architect |
Timeline: | 09/2024 – 09/2024 |
Echo server |
Responsibilities: | - Cloud Solutions Architect |
Timeline: | 09/2024 – 09/2024 |
Generative AI code |
Responsibilities: | - AI Practitioner |
Timeline: | 08/2024 – 08/2024 |
Styled Generative AI in data flows |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer
- AI Practitioner |
Timeline: | 09/2024 – 10/2024 |
Failover website |
Responsibilities: | - Cloud Solutions Architect
- Cloud Developer
Timeline: | 10/2024 – 11/2024 |
| | |
2016 (Kepler-Rominfo times)
Applications Maintenance |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Business Analyst
- QA Tester
- Team Leader
- Technical Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 12/2012 – 12/2016 |
Data validation tool |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Team Leader |
Customer: | Norway fast-food global retailer |
Timeline: | 06/2015 – 04/2016 |
Projects management system |
Responsibilities: | - Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 03/2011 – 12/2012 |
Centralized security management |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Application Architect
- Technical Analyst
- Business Analyst
- Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer
- QA Tester |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 08/2010 – 03/2011 |
Market survey tool |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Business Analyst
- Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 04/2009 – 02/2010 |
Data quality issues |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Technical Analyst
- Business Analyst
- Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 09/2008 – 04/2009 |
Predictive algorithms management |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Technical Analyst
- Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 08/2008 – 11/2008 |
Fragrance management |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Project Manager
- Technical Analyst
- Team Leader
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 02/2010 – 08/2010
10/2007 – 08/2008 |
Profitability calculator |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 08/2007 – 10/2007 |
Access rights management |
Responsibilities: | - Application Architect
- Technical Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 09/2006 – 09/2007 |
Label printing tool |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 06/2006 – 09/2006 |
Project management tool |
Responsibilities: | - Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 05/2006 – 06/2006 |
Sales projections and budgets |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Analyst
- Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 11/2005 – 05/2006 |
Customers & Products management |
Responsibilities: | - Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Swiss multinational company |
Timeline: | 07/2005 – 04/2006 |
| |
2005 (Nobel Romania times)
Core Telecom |
Responsibilities: | - Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Nobel Romania |
Timeline: | 05/2004 – 07/2005 |
Retails Sales |
Responsibilities: | - Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Nobel Romania |
Timeline: | 05/2004 – 07/2005 |
Prepaid Services |
Responsibilities: | - Analyst Programmer |
Customer: | Nobel Romania |
Timeline: | 05/2004 – 07/2005 |
2004 (Romanian Energy Market Operator times)
Balkanic power reserve market |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Technical Analyst
- System Architect
- Analyst Programmer
- Database Designer |
Customer: | Romanian Energy Market Operator |
Timeline: | 08/2007 – 10/2007 |
Romanian energy market |
Responsibilities: | - Business Analyst
- Technical Analyst
- System Architect
- Analyst Programmer
- Database Designer |
Customer: | Romanian Energy Market Operator |
Timeline: | 02/2002 – 03/2003 |
Encrypted messenger |
Responsibilities: | - Technical Analyst
- Application Architect
- Analyst Programmer |
Timeline: | 08/2003 – 06/2004 |
Earthquakes data stories
Analyze data that contains historical earthquakes from Romania and the World. Analyzed earthquakes attributes include: time, geographical location, power, depth, type, administrative area (counties, countries, continents).
– Import geographical data from shapefiles into MS SQL Spatial database and use geo queries
– Ask data and discovery data stories: build reports, visualize geospatial data with Google BigQuery Geo Viz, build document based on data stories and earthquakes concepts
Personal & CV presentation site
Web site with various views of personal presentation: biography, cv, media, contact. Link:
– Develop Proof of Concept for WordPress: install WordPress locally (WAMP) and deploy application in Amazon cloud using Elastic Beanstalk + MySQL RDS managed by cloud
– Add DNS records in Amazon Route 53 to publish the site in internet; Manage site in Amazon AWS using Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, EBS, RDS, SNS
– Manage site at hosting provider using cPanel; request and install SSL certificate for site; add subdomains for
– Configure AWS CloudFront to work as CDN for site
– Analyse Amazon logs and Apache access logs using Tableau, Talend ETL and Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch and Kibana)
Employers’ jobs
Transfer employers data related to jobs offers from excel file into a Microsoft SQL database. Some of the business entities from the project are: Company, Position, Interview, Event, Communication Channel, CV.
– Develop Proof of Concepts for: Talend ETL, containers in Docker and AWS Cloud
– Design database of around 15 tables
– Migrate MS SQL database into Amazon Cloud Aurora database using MS SQL Linked Server and Amazon Schema Conversion Tool
– Migrate MS SQL database into MySQL using Talend ETL standalone archive that runs in Docker container
– Build a CSV report stored in AWS S3, using Talend ETL standalone archive deployed in container with AWS services:
Applications Maintenance
Applications developed from scratch are further developed for defects and change requests.
Data validation tool
An accountancy data validation tool. It reads data that came from a source system in csv files, display the data in WEB interface for analysis, corrections, validation, and sends data into another target
system using csv files.
Projects management system
Large application whose purpose is to implement a management system for the flavors projects. A project for a flavor is a business opportunity raised by a customer which results in the development of one or
several new formula or in the rework of an existing one.
Centralized security management
Application that manage the security on database data for multiple applications. User rights are granted on specific values for some types of data (security dimensions).
Fragrance management
Application that manages fragrances, and communicates with other applications from the organization using SOA approach. SOA implemented with Web Services and ETL modules
– coordinate built of standard specifications for custom Service Oriented Architecture
– coordinate Proof of Concept for Web Service framework
Market survey tool
Application stores surveys data regarding the fragrances and raw materials for fragrances, which are the candidates of the survey. It also offers the possibility to advance search through surveys data
Data quality issues
Application that collects the data quality issues in other external systems and offers to the user the possibility to fix them. Information comes from other systems into application database.
Predictive algorithms management
User maintains basic data used for the predictive algorithms that runs in other systems. Data from other systems are imported into application database, so that it can be enriched by those responsible for
algorithm maintenance. All algorithms receive as input, a list of fragrance ingredients and their concentrations.
Access rights management
Application that mange some security accounts that give access rights to all applications in the organization. The system handles the flow of approval for the access rights and also it stores the access rights.
The creation and approval flow of the rights is modeled as a process, using the JBoss Business Process Management framework.
– Develop Proof of Concept for jBPM; Design and develop jBPM process
– Develop proof of concept for application based on Spring and Struts2
Label printing tool
Application for managing label printing for some products. The labels are used at the delivery phase, when the delivery companies have to know where to deliver the products.
Project management tool
Application provides a management tool to manage the projects in the day to day activity. This day to day activity includes the task follow-up, the technical follow-up, budget follow-up and information centralization.
Sales projections and budgets
This is an application that calculates and manages sales projections and year budgets (from sales). The results are presented customized, depending on each user options.
– develop from scratch Oracle PL/SQL procedure to calculate budgets
Customers & Products management
Application that manage customers and products. Business entities are defined as combinations between distributors, customers, products, countries, salespersons, invoices, etc
Profitability calculator
Application calculates the profitability for several axis of analysis: customer, geography and some other business entities that are related to company products. The input data comes from human resources department (salaries), financial department (costs) and each department’ monthly activity reports. After the calculations, the information is exported to other systems for reporting.
– Database Designer build Conceptual Data Model, Physical Data Model for the business entities with Power Designer tool
Core Telecom
Application that manages telecom business internals: collection of the call data records, rating and routing the phone calls, interconnection with other carriers, maintain PINs inventory.
– Training for core telecom knowledge at the Nobel United States branch
– Working at the Nobel United States branch
– Maintain and develop change requests in WEB application using Java & Oracle
Retails Sales
Online retail store where customer could buy cards, which are used to make calls to more destinations.
– Maintain and develop change requests in WEB application using Java & Oracle
Prepaid Services
A prepaid phone service that offers many features to company’s customers: rechargeable PINs, automatic recharging, automatic number identification.
– Maintain and develop change requests in WEB application using Java & Oracle
Balkanic power reserve market
Power reserve market application where the participants buy and sell power reserve. This market has the purpose to offer safety supply of energy. If one of the participant countries happened to be in a power energy deficit, he would rely on the reserve that he bought from other countries in the power reserve market.
– Business Analyst gather information from business people
– Database Designer build Physical Data Model for the business entities with Power Designer tool
– System Architect build application architecture and detailed application design
– Analyst Programmer build Java&Oracle WEB application using Java server
– Conference presentation of the WEB application
Romanian energy market
Migration of existing energy market transactional system to a web-based five-tier-architecture. The system used to make a match among the offers and the requests of the market participants, and establish the quantities and prices for each of the participants in the energy market. The participants were the institutions that produce and consume energy at the national scale.
– Business Analyst gather information from business people
– Database Designer build Physical Data Model for the business entities with Power Designer tool
– System Architect build application architecture and detailed application design
– Analyst Programmer build Java&Oracle WEB application using Java server
Encrypted messenger
This is a messenger application (server/clients). It has emoticons and possibility to talk to more people at the same time. The users can keep their private keys in files on a removable disk.
Communication is encrypted with symmetric key (Blowfish), login into server is made with private/public key pair (RSA);
Amazon AWS Mail
Emails received by Amazon SES in inbox, are forwarded to inbox and taken into Thunderbird mail client on localhost.
– The Java application (lambda function) uses AWS SDK and is deployed in AWS Lambda service. The emails received by AWS SES are stored in AWS S3. When lambda function receive notifications from S3, take the emails from S3, and forward them to another inbox, using SES. EML files from S3 are taken into Thunderbird mail client, on localhost, using AWS CLI from Windows batch script.
– Configure AWS services: add DNS records in Amazon Route 53 to route emails for inbox; configure SES to receive emails and store them in S3; configure S3 bucket to notify Lambda function; configure Lambda function to communicate with other cloud services; configure IAM security role for the Lambda function; use CloudWatch and SNS to see Lambda function logs and notifications;
Expo companies info
Github code with AWS SDK usage
Upload scanned promotional documents, from different exhibitions, into Amazon Cloud. Extract text from scanned documents, and insert it into a database, using Amazon AWS managed services: S3, Textract, Comprehend, Lambda and Aurora.
To find insights and relationships in extracted text, the application uses regular expressions and AWS Comprehend built-in machine learning algorithms.
– Analyse business for structure of promotional documents and build Physical Data Model of the database.
– Develop Proof of Concept for AWS Lambda service. The Java application (lambda function) uses AWS SDK. The scanned documents are uploaded in S3. Textract takes the picture from S3 and extracts the text using machine-learning algorithms.
– Configure AWS services:
CloudFront CDN
Search face
Application performs face recognition using AWS Rekognition built-in machine learning algorithms. User uploads his picture and searchable pictures in S3. In a web browser, the user enters application URL including password, and are displayed the user picture and all pictures where user was found.
– Develop Proof of Concept for AWS Rekognition service. Develop Proof of Concept for AWS Lambda Internal Extension: the Event Logger. The Java application (lambda functions) uses AWS SDK and is deployed in AWS Lambda service.
– Configure AWS services:
From Unstructured to Structured Data
Unstructured data are the pictures that I took in my travels and exhibitions. AWS AI Rekognition, Comprehend and Translate Services are used, in Java Lambda functions, to extract information from the pictures, and output structured data as JSON in DynamoDB database. Lambda also categorize pictures, and adds in DynamoDB S3 tags, that are used to tag S3 pictures. JSON data and tags from DynamoDB are migrated to MySQL, using Talend ETL, and queried to build a web report.
– Develop Proof of Concept for
Rekognition Service,
Comprehend Service,
Translate Service,
Security Token Service for cross-accounts communication
– Configure AWS services:
S3 to notify Lambda functions;
Lambda to add the functions with parameters and layers;
DynamoDB NoSQL database to store the JSON response of the AI services (raw & aggregated data), and to synchronize tags to be processed at once for one picture;
DynamoDB Stream to communicate insert events to Lambda;
DAX in-memory cache service purpose-built for DynamoDB;
SNS to distribute and filter events;
IAM for application Roles;
VPC for DAX usage.
Replay Events
This application generates events in AWS environment. It is a technical application without a business result. It is used in other applications to simulate the events triggered by AWS inside AWS. The JSON events generated, trigger main application as if it would be triggered by AWS cloud in normal application run (events replay). Object keys that are set into generated JSON messages are taken from S3, and the data for those keys from DynamoDB. Use-cases where this events replayer could be used are: new modules of existing applications, errors for some of the keys when adding application data.
– Configure AWS services:
Lambda to add the functions with parameters and start the replay using Test feature;
SQS to distribute events.
Generative AI code
Github code with AWS AI generated Windows PowerShell
From PowerShell, a weather URL from OpenWeather site is invoked, and the JSON message is parsed and transformed into a report that is displayed in Windows console. The report contains the hourly weather for the next hours.
– A first time pair programming with a powerful collaborative AI: Amazon Q Generative AI in IDEA IDE Chat. The final generated code, after talking with Amazon Q Free Tier version, was in a language slightly used before: Windows PowerShell. Code generation in unknown languages is one of the rapidly growing use-cases of Generative AI.
– Configure AWS services:
link Amazon Q with IDEA IDE
Website activity notifier
For websites that needs a nicer URL, AWS offers the possibility to redirect from personal domain ( to the target domain (using Route53 and S3 static site). These redirects can benefit from one of the
200+ AWS services. This application adds a notification into DynamoDB each time an activity log file is created in S3.
– Configure AWS services:
Route 53 to add subdomain with AWS alias;
S3 to build the static website and redirect + log acccess;
SNS to distribute S3 events to API Gateway;
API Gateway REST proxy with DynamoDB integration and template, to transform S3 event into a DynamoDB request;
DynamoDB table to add S3 events data
Echo server
A simple echo server for HTTP GET, useful to inspect HTTP headers, can be accessed
– Configure AWS services:
API Gateway REST Mock to reply the incoming request
Generative AI for styled weather forecast
Weather Planner online
Github code
The application gets a response from a Generative AI that comments live, during a web request, the data obtained from a weather API, during same web request (data stream analyser). The resulting web page contains AWS Gen AI recommendations for clothing and activities according to weather forecast for next 12 hours. In the recommendation, Titan use random literary styles.
– Develop Proof of Concept for
Bedrock AI Marketplace AWS SDK
– Configure AWS services:
Bedrock to send prompt to Titan Text Premier Gen AI LLM;
API Gateway to build routes to Lambda, to make logs and metrics;
CloudWatch Alarms to notify when too many requests;
Lambda parameters;
DynamoDB as part of a Rate Based Authorizer that limits the requests;
S3 to keep Velocity templates that are used for Gen AI prompt and WEB page.
Failover website for
Provide failover website for main website:
– Build failover mechanism for the main site: The failover site is a static one deployed with AWS services: S3, CloudFront, Certificate Manager, and runs simultaneously with the main site. The online status is converted to health status in Lambda Service, and monitored by Route53 DNS, that makes the switch among the main and failover websites.
– Configure AWS services:
S3 to notify when new mail arrives and to store the static site;
CloudFront CDN to distribute worldwide the S3 website;
Route53 DNS to monitor health status and switch among websites;
CloudWatch Alarms to build alarm used by Route53;
Lambda functions;
Certificate Manager to issue SSL certificate for S3+CDN site