Monthly costs analysis

This application is made in Tableau, with monthly costs data. Data are analysed using graph features from Tableau. Data presented are not real and its organisation is a possibility that depends on each one preferences.

Data Fields

Data analysed in this application are recorded in a table with below specified columns. All data values used are listed in Tableau tab Raw Data.

DateThe date when the Cost was made
DestinationThe Destination where the Cost was spent
CostThe Cost amount
CategoryThe Category of the products bought with Cost. Possible values: Food, House, Services, Medical, Fun, Transport, Clothes, Communication, Restaurant, Didactic, Car, Donation, Religion
TagsSome random and optional characteristics, comments, usage of the products. Sample values: Sport, Kids, Expo, FestiveDay, ForCook, Supplements.
UniqueValues: u, uy, <empty>. The rows with empty cells holds the Costs that are regular/not unique in current month. The uy rows holds the Costs that are unique in the month, but regular during the year, while the u rows holds Costs that are unique
SourceMember of the family that bought the product with the specified Cost